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photograph of the book
"The Church & Chapelry of Saddleworth"
by Alfred Howcroft

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produced by Yorkshire CD books ©

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"History of the Chapelry and Church of Saddleworth and the Township of Quick" was written by Alfred J. Howcroft in commemoration of the Seven Hundredth Anniversary of the Foundation of the Church, celebrated June 20th and 27th, 1915. The book contains over 170 pages and 12 illustrations. In order to give you some idea as to the contents of the book, the following are available here on line:

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A transcription of the Preface of the book:

THE inception of this book was the writing of a general outline of the history of Saddleworth Church for the Parish Magazine in view of the holding of services in June, 1915, in commemoration of the seventh cen- tenary of the Church's existence. The subject grew in matter and interest so much that it was decided to issue a book collating all or most of the detached published items, and supplying what would be germane to the subject from other accessible sources. The Church, with the solution of its early appearance and later developments, has been the chief object of study and research. The early and long association of Parish and Township affairs and the tran- sactions of the Vestry meetings cannot fail to enlist interest and, in many, an affection for the venerable institution which has been so intimately linked with our local history, now shorn of its civil connections. It is to be hoped the defects of the book will be kindly overlooked, or otherwise lost in the general interest. Apart from the writer's own deficiencies, time has been the chief difficulty, only a few months having elapsed since the final resolve to treat the subject comprehensively. I have to acknowledge the valuable aid derived from the Raines MSS., the Yorkshire Archæological Society, the Chetham Society, and other authorities occasionally referred to in footnotes.
The Beeches, Uppermill,
28th April, 1915.

A transcription of the contents pages of the book:


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